Saturation Hall
Portrait Gallery

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This page lists all of our current live photosets, including full information on the mumber of shots in each set. Note these aren't hand picked "best of" shots, just the 3rd, 9th, 15th, 60th, 90th and 150th shots from each set, to give you a true idea of what you'll find in our members' area.

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The first two shots are clickable to give the full-size high-res image, generally these will be clean "before" shots in most sets, the others are also clickable to our standard 800 x 600 free sample size - the images in the Members Lounge are all the same size as the first two images here.

  • gm-2w07: "Lady Jasmine and Nurse Wendy Household take a fully clothed dip in the river." Added 2008-09-10, 522 photos, 391M disk space

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    Getting Formally Wet!

    Lady Jasmine in formal dress, and Nurse Wendy-Household in uniform, taking a dip in the river together

    • Lady Jasmine
    • Floor-length, short sleeve, deep red satin-and-velvet formal dress
    • White plimsoles
    • Nurse Wendy-Household
    • Navy blue nurses uniform dress by Alexandra
    • White elastic nurses belt by Alexandra
    • White plimsoles

    Lady Jasmine and Nurse Wendy-Household have a paddle in the river, and have a great time soaking their clothes, Lady Jasmine in a lovely formal dress which really shines once it is soaked, and th nurse in her trademark blue uniform.

    Both women end up totally soaked to the skin as they experiment with various locations and pools, Lady Jasmine taking a delight in lying down in the water, feeling her dress ripple and flow as the river flows over her, while Nurse Wendy loves to sit in her dress in the pools and under the bridge, splashing and being splashed until she's completely drenched.

  • gm-2f34: "A mysterious French noblewoman brings fine wine and PVC gunge to Saturation Hall" Added 2008-08-28, 1172 photos, 1.2G disk space

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    The Mysterious Madam Brulee

    Lady Full-Wellington and a visiting French noblewoman do PVC gunge in the dungeon

    • Madame Brulee
    • PVC Maid's Dress
    • Genuine Japanese lolita underskirt
    • Black spandex leggings
    • Swears shoes
    • Lady Full-Wellington
    • Silver PVC jeans
    • Black lace-up top
    • Leather boots

    In the vinyards of northern France they still tell the tale of Madam Brulee, the fabulously wealthy owner of the legendary Lost Vinyards of the Loire, hidden by deep magic from the outer world many years ago, and said to produce wine so fine that Bachus himself is among the customers.

    The lady herself, like her vinyards, vanished from public view shortly after leaving finishing school, but she has been known to appear, at random, at the homes of other aristocrats, bringing bottles of the most extraordinary vintage, wine that leaves all who taste it aglow with its potency and its uneartlhy sweet flavour. All she asks in return is a comfortable bed for the night, and an evening of revelry with whichever household she has graced with her presence.

    So it was that in the early spring of 2008, late one rain-swept day, the servants answered a knock at the door of Saturation Hall to find a mysetrious Frenchwoman with a wagon full of winebottles, and the revelry soon commenced!

    Of course no visit to Saturation Hall is complete without a thorough gunging in the dungeon, so Lady Full-Wellington leads Madam Brulee down the spiral stairway, and then submits to the French noble's tender mercies with the custard, before siezing the chance to turn the tables and give the visitor a proper Saturation Hall custardisation!

    Watch and enjoy as cleavages are filled, Madam Brulee's PVC dress is totally coated in custard, and Lady Full-Wellington has her PVC jeans completely filled, with lashings of custard poured in, front and back.

    The next morning, Madam Brulee walks out of the great oaken front door of the hall, and promptly vanishes, but the servants find a rare and unusual gift, a case of the magic wine left in the middle of the high table. Clearly the French visitor enjoyed her visit, perhaps some day she may return?

  • gm-2w06: "Lady Jasmine soaks her orange jumpsuit in the river" Added 2008-08-14, 331 photos, 240M disk space

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    A lady at play

    Lady Jasmine wears one of her favourite outfits through the woods and into the river

    • Orange jumpsuit
    • Orange baseball cap
    • Black belt
    • Black PVC slave collar
    • Plack PVC slave bracelets
    • Black boots (forest)
    • Green wellingtons (river)

    Sometimes her ladyship just likes to go for a walk in the woods, dressed entirely for her own pleasure, and finish up soaking herself in one of the rivers which flows off her estate. On this occasion, she's chosen to wear the orange jumpsuit and cap from her 'you've been a naughty girl' session, complete with the collar and slave bracelets!

    First she wanders amongst the trees, and poses on the moss-covered rocks. Then she changes into her wellingtons (as if those will keep her dry for more than a few moments!), and into the water she goes!

    It was a bright and sunny early-Spring day, but the river water, flowing down off the high moors above the Chase, was still bitterly cold. Jasmine was determined to soak herself anyway though, so enjoy her reactions as the ice-cold water floods her boots and then slowly drenches the rest of her outfit.

  • gm-2f30: "Miss Pink and Wendy in fully-clothed custard fun, including custard shampoos!" Added 2008-07-30, 731 photos, 756M disk space

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    Here Comes The Custard!

    Two ladies, two laps, and lashings and lashings of thick yellow mess!

    • Nurse Wendy-Household
    • Navy blue womens-fit boilersuit
    • Black wellington boots
    • Miss Pink
    • Traditional high-waist blue denim jeans
    • Purple t-shirt
    • Black baseball cap
    • Blue plastic shoes

    Wendy, in engineering mode, and Miss Pink, in casual jeans and t-shirt, take turns pouring lots and lots of custard all over each other in the dungeon. Wendy's boilersuit gets the treatment first, her lap is filled, legs covered, and chest coated in goo. Then the two women swap places, Miss Pink calmly stepping into the pool of mess she's just helped to create, and sitting down neatly, and calmly watching as Wendy reduces her jeans to a vanilla-coated mess, soon followed by her t-shirt.

    The two ladies carry on, swapping places and taking turns to slowly cover more and more of each others outfits in custard, including a full carton poured over Miss Pink's baseball cap and hair, and another shampooed into Wendy's lovely black locks.

    Both Wendy and Miss Pink end up completely covered in mess, head to toe.

  • gm-2w13: "Return To Eden" Added 2008-07-13, 376 photos, 416M disk space

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    Return To Eden

    Nurse Wendy-Household in the pools of Hope

    • Navy blue womens workwear boilersuit by Arco
    • Black wellington boots

    High in the Peak District, surrounded by the glorious countryside of the beautiful Hope Valley, a lovely English stream flows out of the mountains, through a series of natural pools, and under the stone arches of a magnificent Victorian railway viaduct.

    This location has featured in wetlook shoots before, long ago, but in the rising summer of 2008 Nurse Wendy, in engineering garb, claimed it for Saturation Hall.

    First she walks up the stream-bed, exploring the various nooks and crannies around the beautiful viaduct, not getting wet yet, but enjoying the feel of the water playing over her wellies. Then she enters the pools, and slowly gets wetter and wetter, wading, splashing, sitting, lying down, gradually allowing the water to soak into more and more of her costume until eventually she's completely drenched from the soles of her completely filled boots to the top of her soaking wet hair.

    Come with Wendy as she goes deeper and deeper into one of Northern England's finest wetlook locations!

  • gm-2f32: "Felicity coats her black combats and sports bra in thick golden syrup" Added 2008-06-30, 894 photos, 950M disk space

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    The Combat Wench

    Felicity gets totally coated in golden syrup, in black combat trousers and bra-top

    • Black combat trousers
    • Black plimsolls
    • Black sports bra

    Felicity, dressed in her high summer working rig, spends a hot June afternoon in the dungeon, slowly covering herself completely in rich, smooth-flowing golden syrup.

    She starts in time-honoured Saturation Hall tradition, filling a silver tray with over an inch of syrup, then sitting down in it. She stands up again so we can see the results, then sits down again, and pours syrup into her lap and all over her legs and shoes, eventually standing up again and pouring more syrup down the back of her tousers, covering the last remaining dry spots.

    Once her trousers are totally encased in flowing golden syrup, Felicity gives her black sports bra the same treatment, and then coats her bare arms, shoulders, and neck.

    And then she pours a full can of syrup over her beautiful soft long hair, coating it in rich golden shimmer.

    Once she's completely covered, she plays with the syrup for a while, relaxing in the golden glow.

  • gm-2w05: "Lady Jasmine takes a relaxing bath in one of her favourite formal dresses." Added 2008-06-16, 231 photos, 166M disk space

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    Red Bathing Dress

    Lady Jasmine takes a relaxing bath in a long red formal gown

    • Short-sleeve, floor-length, red satin and velved formal dress
    • Bare feet

    Lady Jasmine wears another of her favourite formal dresses into the maid's bath at the Grand Imperial Hotel, Knightsbridge, London. First she steps into the already-full bath, wetting the hem and lower part of the skirt, then she gently pours glasses of warm water down her front, completely soaking the bodice of the dress. And then she lies down in the water and relaxes, her drenched dress floating arround her.

  • gm-2f31: "Felicity gets treaqualised by The Pink Pourer" Added 2008-05-25, 828 photos, 897M disk space

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    Formal Treacle Treatment

    Felicity gets treaqualised by The Pink Pourer

    • Felicity
    • Floor length peach formal bridesmaids dress
    • White lace-up plimsoles
    • The Pink Pourer
    • Pink boilersuit
    • Pink wellies
    • White belt
    • Pink and white scarf

    It's been remarked before that Lady Jasmine is more than generous with her staff, even allowing them to borrow some of her lovely gunge outfits on occasion. So it happens that one day, not long after she'd entered her ladyship's service, Felicity plucked up the courage to ask if she could borrow Lady Jasmine's beautiful peach bridesmaids dress for a day, and found her wish immedieatly granted.

    Things didn't go quite according to plan though, as half way through the afternoon, Felicity suddenly found herself in the dungeon, at the mercy of the mysterious Pink Pourer. Who very quickly set about making Felicity's borrowed dress very messy indeed!

    Liquid treacle came first, poured over both of Felicity's shoulders, from where it ran down into the front of the dress, soon soaking through the bodice in a spreading stain, then overflowing down the front and over the skirt.

    Golden syrup comes next, flowing like liquid amber and thoroughly coating both the dress and Felicity's hair, as the mysterious Pourer empties two bottles of it over Felicity's head, as well as lots of full cans all over her dress.

    Eventually, Felicity rises from the gunging stool, lies down in the pool of gunge on the floor, and does several push-ups, totally coating the front of her beautiful dress in thick, sticky mess, while the Pourer empties many cans of thick black treacle over Felicity's back and skirt.

    The dress is utterly and totally drenched in treacle and syrup. The only question is, was the Pink Pourer working on Lady Jasmine's orders, or not? No doubt there will be more to this mystery before the truth is revealed. Remember, the gunge is out there!

  • gm-2f29: "Miss Pink thoroughly gunges her smart Sunday waitress uniform" Added 2008-05-08, 912 photos, 961M disk space

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    Silver Service Splat!

    Miss Pink puts her Sunday uniform through the treatment

    • Black uniform trousers
    • White long-sleeve shirt
    • Black silk tie
    • Back waistcoat

    The village pub, The Fox, has recently started doing a Sunday carvery for the occasional travelers who pass through, and Miss Pink has a smart new uniform to wear for these occasions. Needless to say she has to fully test this outfit for gungeworthieness, just in case she ever accidentally falls into a custard vat while wearing it, so up to the Hall she comes, and into the gloop she goes!

    Her tie gets the treatment first, dipped into an open box of custard, the thick yellow gloop carefully spread all over the pristine silk with a spoon. And then, when the bottom six inches or so are completely coated, she neatly buttons her waistcoat up over it, leaving herself still looking oh-so-smart, you'd never guess there's lovely custard soaking through her shirt under the waistcoat.

    Next she starts to fill the waistcoat, she gets quite a lot inside before suddenly the contents start to leak out, flooding down her trouser-leg. More custard is poured in, and allowed to flood out, and then she does her sleeves - one is filled with custard, the other coated in treacle.

    On she goes, slowly and completely covering her outfit, more and more custard and treacle are applied until she is completely and utterly coated in gunge, from head to toe. This set includes full hair coverage, and she coats her glasses in goo too!

  • gm-2f27: "Nurse Wendy-Household gives Lady Amaranth the gunge therapy treatment!" Added 2008-04-06, 1223 photos, 1.3G disk space

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    Lady Amaranth's Therapy Session

    Uniformed Nurse Wendy-Household gives Lady Amaranth the treatment

    • Lady Amaranth
    • Smart green tartan skirt
    • Floppy lilac jumper
    • Black wellies
    • Nurse Wendy-Household
    • Navy blue nurses uniform dress by Alexandra
    • White nurses belt
    • White knee-high socks
    • White plimsoles

    Also appearing in a few shots is Felicity the Serving Wench, who was en-route to the Hall's carriage house but popped in to help with some of the pies, and was dressed in a dark blue boilersuit and pink wellies (and a length of rather solid chain!)

    Lady Amaranth of the Southlands drops in at the Hall one day, wanting to try out Nurse Wendy-Household's famed gunge therapy. Knowing that it's important to dress for the occasion, she wears one of her best Country Casuals skirts, and a nice jumper to go with it. At the nurse's suggestion, she finishes the outfit off with a nice pair of big black wellies, ideal for filling. And filled they soon are, as the nurse starts the treatment by pouring rather a lot of custard into each one!

    Lady Amaranth then enjoys several jugs of liquid treacle poured into her jumper, and then, while thin streams of treacle are dripping down her otherwise still-clean skirt, she sits down in an inch-deep tray of custard.

    Her ladyship is thoroughly enjoying her treatment, and as she knows that the full therapy involves the patient gunging her therapist, she now makes up, with Felicity's help, a lovely gateaux, custard, and squirty cream tray for Nurse Wendy-Household to sit in, which she duly does, making a lovely splodge on the back of the skirt of her spotless uniform dress.

    To add to the fun, Lady Amaranth then pours liquid treacle down the back, and inside the front, of the nurse's uniform, following it up with golden syrup as well.

    On the treatments go, pies are exchanged, more gateaux are sat in, and buckets of mess are poured on. Both ladies end up utterly covered in gunge, and Lady Amaranth declares the treatment a roaring success, best fun she's had in ages!

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